for Mr boom paired w/ Mr mega, before clicking it still shows the 3x3 standard blast zone, but when clicking it clears a 5x5 square as it is supposed to. wondering if u could fix the blast zone to show 5x5 in the next patch
sorry to disappoint but there will be no patching as i can not update this version anymore. You should check out the steams version because this one is really outdated
car battery and backpack were synergized to give me 4 active item slots, but when I got the third active item, my game crashed and it said the page had an error. hope u can fix this.
IDK if this is supposed to be like this but curse of the tower was proked by curse heart and found my glitch room for me but now it says there are 2 of them.
Very, very nice little puzzle game! I appreciate the item system, and the new rules. I've only won once so far. Sometimes it's impossible to correctly figure out where a secret room is, but there's usually enough advantages from hearts and items to make up for that frustration.
The one room I think badly needs a change is the Black Market. The fact that it works on a percentage chance rather than being fully consistent has ruined multiple runs. It's already not easy to triangulate which room would be the mid-point of several different rooms, so I don't think adding random chance to that is necessary.
Personally, I would probably give Angel Secret Rooms and Devil Secret Rooms one more rule, particularly something related to whether they prefer spawning next to a special room or a non-special room. It's not really necessary for smaller maps, but it would really help eliminate some annoying guesswork on maps with three separate floors.
I've only encountered them a couple times, but Red Secret Rooms are kind of awful. It's very easy for there to be *loads* of possible locations with only one correct, and they've eaten through my hearts. I'm not sure what could be done about this without changing their rules.
One more thing- I'm not sure if this is a known issue, but Hermit Rooms seem to work weirdly sometimes. I've had multiple games where they didn't seem to follow the room distance rule.
Thank you for such detailed feedback! You are correct in all of your points, furthermore I already worked on fixing all of the problems you mention, it’ll be coming in the next version! So be sure to keep an eye on future updates. Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for playing!
I had a strange bug where the second zone appeared to spawn incorrectly, making the starting room secret rooms spawn wrong, as did the angel secret room.
the last spawn room. i swear. the one at the bottom. the red square next to it used to be blank. it is 5 squares from the spawn. i click it, its red. the one next to it? which is 6 squares away? ITS THE ROOM. WHY WHWYWHWYWYHWYHWYW HOW THIS GAME IS UNFAIR
bro how is the hermit room not at the longest path of ten (its already red since i used it)(the red square at the very edge of the long room on the bottom)
no. How it works right now, although they should not be connected to any secret rooms, other secret rooms that are later in spawn order can still spawn next to hermit/stater. This is one of the long running issues, and it is fixed now and will be coming next patch!
yeah, you are right, thank you been working on the new vertion for so long, kinda forgot how things are in curent. Will edit the comment shortly to give better explanation!
Found a bug where the curse of the tower clears the floor allowing me to move on (to a shop in this case for hearts) also I can't use anything in this situation
It's possible to get soft locked on the tesla fan challenge if you run out of charges on all of your items as there's no way to damage yourself to gain charges without the pickaxe.
Could you maybe add a map so that I can see if I still have a shop upcoming? Just can't remember sometimes. Also sometimes with the barrier secret, its a 50/50 between rooms with two barriers, while it only shows one room :(((
Got an error in the Panic Buying challenge where I had Backpack, Car Battery, Mr. Mega, and Tech X when I tried to select a third active item, Dad's Key. (This was on the second item room.) The music was still playing, but it seemed to get stuck on the screen and softlock the game.
I really love the concept of the game and have been playing for hours non-stop since I discovered it. I would like to share with you some minor bugs I found and some small suggestions (it's my opinion and I may be wrong about it).
Minor bugs:
1 - I got a room next to a blocked room. This same case happened to me also with a Curse Room, where the top door was with a normal room and the bottom door was with the same room as the one in the attached image. Both came out in the same place in the same room, in case it is relevant.
2 - If you manage to complete the level with Curse of the Tower at the same time you die, the game continues to progress when it should stop (not a big deal).
1- It would be nice to be able to mark the rooms in the challenges where you don't have the pickaxe, I think the challenges should be focused on investigating and testing new items or skills.
2 - In Tesla Fans you have to give up if you lose, not a big deal but game wise seems something that can be improved.
3 - Maybe a small window where you can see a list of achievements or at least put how many there are in total would be nice too.
I'm so impressed how well this game keeps the spirit of Issac while being a completely different genre. So much replayability!
A few suggestions / questions:
1. For the challenges, it would be nice to know what the equipped items do. A hover tool-tip on the right hand side or an 'item compendium' would be nice.
2. I think the 'high/low/very low" chance that some rooms have should be removed and replaced with the binary 'most correct' or 'can't spawn'. A spot that better fits the criteria should always beat one that doesn't. (Ex. starter room 3 tiles away should always beat one 4 tiles away). It's challenging enough to have multiple spots that tie for 'most correct', try them all, and find out the actual spot is worse according to the criteria.
3. The 'special room tiebreaker' for normal secret rooms would be nice to add to other secret room types as well. Example: A devil room with 2 normal room connections + one special room connection always beats a devil room with 3 normal connections.
4. In the 'panic buying' challenge, my items do not get reset when entering a new shop, making the challenge extremely easy.
1. Do larger multi-tile rooms (like an L shape room) count as a single 'step' when calculating the longest path for hermit?
2. Do glitch rooms factor in to the 'largest min. distance' for outsider rooms?
3. Do previously found secret rooms count when adding up the adjacent rooms for 'Red Secret Room'?
Overall, I think the appeal of this game is as a logic-game first and foremost, with the only chance being choosing between multiple spots that tie in the criteria, not having the actual spawns be in a 'low/very low' probability spot.
Right now I'm primarily working at fixing these inconsistent rules of how secret rooms interact with special rooms and other secret rooms so don't worry, Im aware lol Who would've thought that it is really important for a puzzle game to actually be a good puzzle game and not a slot machine So expect some changes (hopefully for the better)
About your suggestions/questions:
" 'high/low/very low" chance" : the current version already work as you suggested (being binary "always there"/"never there") I just need to change the rule book pictures
"Do larger multi-tile rooms count as a single 'step'?": No they does not and path should be calculated correctly (If its not let me know)
"Do glitch rooms factor into the 'largest min. distance' for outsider rooms?" No, because it stands later in spawn order (you can see the order of room spawn in top-right corner from top to bottom) but it is not explained in the game so understandable
"Do previously found secret rooms count when adding up the adjacent rooms for 'Red Secret Room'?" No they does not count (and not yet found also)
Awesome, thanks for the information! I've just one challenge left to do (and no hearts to do it with).
- It looks like you're right that rooms weren't spawning in 'low chance' areas. Undiscovered secret rooms sometimes cause others to spawn in 'worse' tiles otherwise they would conflict with the one neighbor rule, but this isn't always consistent:
^It seems like starter rooms are generated first on the map, and it goes down the line? Also it seems like market rooms don't affect the spawns of any other.
- It's ambiguous whether blocked-off tiles should count when finding 'Red Secret Rooms' - it appears they do.
- The final room for the purist challenge was a repeat of the very first level, which I'm not sure is intended. I was relieved expecting a boss rush!
- It looks like no secret rooms can spawn on any of the glitch rotation tiles, which is nice because I've had rooms with 8+ Angel spot candidates and that helps narrow it down.
All said, these are all very minor things in what is otherwise a game that I would highly recommend.
Potential bugs after update:
Room (5?) in a normal run started with all rooms discovered (no cheats) and no way to advance to the next room, had to restart.
If a glitch room spawns on a square that you have an x (right click) and you can remove the x but it won't let you pickaxe that square.
well we cant be too sure, cuz it only happened like... 70% of my games, and only 60% of those times were in the beggining when i clicked into the game-
Please correct the triangulation of the Black Market. The treasure rooms and markets were making a perfect equilateral triangle and I wasted 7 hearts in the dead center of the space... to be revealed it was right beside the top end treasure room... which is the complete opposite of the rules and description.
Even though it's updated it should still be to the right, so I think it's bugged, you're right. My bet is, seeing that there is no treasure room, this start room overrides it and now it's considered a special room. I'll look into it!! Ty and sorry
Mom, Mom, New update just dropped!!! I always thought not being able to hide the screen and see what rooms you missed sucked and felt like I was cheated, but this new update is awesome!! Keep up the good work!!
I absolutely love this game, I play at least once a day. That being said, every once in awhile Ill have a level generate to where I cant see the edges of some rooms, and they always have the last secret room I need. I'm not sure if it is just a me thing, but other than that, I am in love lmfao!!!
Thank you! It means a lot!!! Do you mean they are outside of the camera view? If so, you can use WASDto move the camear around, for now , full mouse support coming in the future
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for Mr boom paired w/ Mr mega, before clicking it still shows the 3x3 standard blast zone, but when clicking it clears a 5x5 square as it is supposed to. wondering if u could fix the blast zone to show 5x5 in the next patch
sorry to disappoint but there will be no patching as i can not update this version anymore. You should check out the steams version because this one is really outdated
Glad youre enjoying the game tho
I had an amazing run:
car battery and backpack were synergized to give me 4 active item slots, but when I got the third active item, my game crashed and it said the page had an error. hope u can fix this.
is the pink room shown in the images just a old color for the red secret room?
Is IV bag only limited to the Pay to play challenge?
my least fav rooms are errors
so annoying
I might just be stupid, but shouldn't the starter room spawn to the right of the start room also
with infinite money cheat and restock, I got infinite breakfast
Glad it was enough to beat the game
This game is amazing, everything is well done and it always feels like my fault when I dig up the wrong room.
the steam demo has less stuff than this version T^T
you can join the discord and download latest beta version if you like
IDK if this is supposed to be like this but curse of the tower was proked by curse heart and found my glitch room for me but now it says there are 2 of them.
but it is just a visual bug
So close
Happenned twice but didnt screenshot the 2nd time :(
Very, very nice little puzzle game! I appreciate the item system, and the new rules. I've only won once so far. Sometimes it's impossible to correctly figure out where a secret room is, but there's usually enough advantages from hearts and items to make up for that frustration.
The one room I think badly needs a change is the Black Market. The fact that it works on a percentage chance rather than being fully consistent has ruined multiple runs. It's already not easy to triangulate which room would be the mid-point of several different rooms, so I don't think adding random chance to that is necessary.
Personally, I would probably give Angel Secret Rooms and Devil Secret Rooms one more rule, particularly something related to whether they prefer spawning next to a special room or a non-special room. It's not really necessary for smaller maps, but it would really help eliminate some annoying guesswork on maps with three separate floors.
I've only encountered them a couple times, but Red Secret Rooms are kind of awful. It's very easy for there to be *loads* of possible locations with only one correct, and they've eaten through my hearts. I'm not sure what could be done about this without changing their rules.
One more thing- I'm not sure if this is a known issue, but Hermit Rooms seem to work weirdly sometimes. I've had multiple games where they didn't seem to follow the room distance rule.
Thank you for such detailed feedback! You are correct in all of your points, furthermore I already worked on fixing all of the problems you mention, it’ll be coming in the next version! So be sure to keep an eye on future updates.
Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for playing!
I ain't reading all of that
i don't care if you read it or not
skill issue, it all works fine if you take youe time
the dev already responded saying i was correct and they were fixing the problems. did you miss that?
i was rage baiting a year old post, didn't expect a response, but yes, i did read it
very peculiar behavior
I had a strange bug where the second zone appeared to spawn incorrectly, making the starting room secret rooms spawn wrong, as did the angel secret room.
Thank you, I think I know what coused it. Will be fixed next patch!
Holy mantle "bocks" incoming damage xD
oh, nice catch, thank you!
Can hermit rooms be connected to other secret rooms?
no.How it works right now, although they should not be connected to any secret rooms, other secret rooms that are later in spawn order can still spawn next to hermit/stater.
This is one of the long running issues, and it is fixed now and will be coming next patch!
Sorry for missleading(
Thanks now I can more accurately detect where they are.
at least im still alive
this is a lie
yeah, you are right, thank you
been working on the new vertion for so long, kinda forgot how things are in curent.
Will edit the comment shortly to give better explanation!
Really cool concept, well done!
thank you!
Found a bug where the curse of the tower clears the floor allowing me to move on (to a shop in this case for hearts) also I can't use anything in this situation
ty, fixed this, will be coming next patch
return the slab
the curse is too strong
Did my second hermit room not spawn???
Everything is normal. It's above devil's room, but you marked it.
Huh, that odd spawning but thanks for the help
are you planning to add a list of discovered items?
yeah, can't say how soon, but yes
Found another generation bug. This time something is wrong with hermit rooms.
yeah its the same bug with big rooms looping(((
It's possible to get soft locked on the tesla fan challenge if you run out of charges on all of your items as there's no way to damage yourself to gain charges without the pickaxe.
yeah... am aware, will fix it for sure
Could you maybe add a map so that I can see if I still have a shop upcoming? Just can't remember sometimes. Also sometimes with the barrier secret, its a 50/50 between rooms with two barriers, while it only shows one room :(((
as a big fan of isaac, i really love this game good job !
Got an error in the Panic Buying challenge where I had Backpack, Car Battery, Mr. Mega, and Tech X when I tried to select a third active item, Dad's Key. (This was on the second item room.) The music was still playing, but it seemed to get stuck on the screen and softlock the game.
Sad, I'll look into it
same happened to me :( except I was on the very last shop room on a normal run... so close
Somehow outsider rooms have changed starter's room position by breaking the rules.
Good catch, thank you! Its definitely bugged and I probably know what caused it.
Noting to do with outcider rooms lol, will fix in the future
fixed, will be coming next patch
the map item seems to softlock your run if you have a barricade secret room which will very likely happen
Edit: Nope nevermind, it prevents the player from clicking any marked squares except for the barricade secret room
I really love the concept of the game and have been playing for hours non-stop since I discovered it. I would like to share with you some minor bugs I found and some small suggestions (it's my opinion and I may be wrong about it).
Minor bugs:
1 - I got a room next to a blocked room. This same case happened to me also with a Curse Room, where the top door was with a normal room and the bottom door was with the same room as the one in the attached image. Both came out in the same place in the same room, in case it is relevant.
2 - If you manage to complete the level with Curse of the Tower at the same time you die, the game continues to progress when it should stop (not a big deal).
1- It would be nice to be able to mark the rooms in the challenges where you don't have the pickaxe, I think the challenges should be focused on investigating and testing new items or skills.
2 - In Tesla Fans you have to give up if you lose, not a big deal but game wise seems something that can be improved.
3 - Maybe a small window where you can see a list of achievements or at least put how many there are in total would be nice too.
I'm so impressed how well this game keeps the spirit of Issac while being a completely different genre. So much replayability!
A few suggestions / questions:
1. For the challenges, it would be nice to know what the equipped items do. A hover tool-tip on the right hand side or an 'item compendium' would be nice.
2. I think the 'high/low/very low" chance that some rooms have should be removed and replaced with the binary 'most correct' or 'can't spawn'. A spot that better fits the criteria should always beat one that doesn't. (Ex. starter room 3 tiles away should always beat one 4 tiles away). It's challenging enough to have multiple spots that tie for 'most correct', try them all, and find out the actual spot is worse according to the criteria.
3. The 'special room tiebreaker' for normal secret rooms would be nice to add to other secret room types as well. Example: A devil room with 2 normal room connections + one special room connection always beats a devil room with 3 normal connections.
4. In the 'panic buying' challenge, my items do not get reset when entering a new shop, making the challenge extremely easy.
1. Do larger multi-tile rooms (like an L shape room) count as a single 'step' when calculating the longest path for hermit?
2. Do glitch rooms factor in to the 'largest min. distance' for outsider rooms?
3. Do previously found secret rooms count when adding up the adjacent rooms for 'Red Secret Room'?
Overall, I think the appeal of this game is as a logic-game first and foremost, with the only chance being choosing between multiple spots that tie in the criteria, not having the actual spawns be in a 'low/very low' probability spot.
Hello, thank you! really good suggestions!
Right now I'm primarily working at fixing these inconsistent rules of how secret rooms interact with special rooms and other secret rooms so don't worry, Im aware lol
Who would've thought that it is really important for a puzzle game to actually be a good puzzle game and not a slot machine
So expect some changes (hopefully for the better)
About your suggestions/questions:
" 'high/low/very low" chance" : the current version already work as you suggested (being binary "always there"/"never there") I just need to change the rule book pictures
"Do larger multi-tile rooms count as a single 'step'?": No they does not and path should be calculated correctly (If its not let me know)
"Do glitch rooms factor into the 'largest min. distance' for outsider rooms?" No, because it stands later in spawn order (you can see the order of room spawn in top-right corner from top to bottom) but it is not explained in the game so understandable
"Do previously found secret rooms count when adding up the adjacent rooms for 'Red Secret Room'?" No they does not count (and not yet found also)
****End game / challenge spoilers below***
Awesome, thanks for the information! I've just one challenge left to do (and no hearts to do it with).
- It looks like you're right that rooms weren't spawning in 'low chance' areas. Undiscovered secret rooms sometimes cause others to spawn in 'worse' tiles otherwise they would conflict with the one neighbor rule, but this isn't always consistent:
^It seems like starter rooms are generated first on the map, and it goes down the line? Also it seems like market rooms don't affect the spawns of any other.
- It's ambiguous whether blocked-off tiles should count when finding 'Red Secret Rooms' - it appears they do.
- The final room for the purist challenge was a repeat of the very first level, which I'm not sure is intended. I was relieved expecting a boss rush!
- It looks like no secret rooms can spawn on any of the glitch rotation tiles, which is nice because I've had rooms with 8+ Angel spot candidates and that helps narrow it down.
All said, these are all very minor things in what is otherwise a game that I would highly recommend.
Potential bugs after update:
Room (5?) in a normal run started with all rooms discovered (no cheats) and no way to advance to the next room, had to restart.
If a glitch room spawns on a square that you have an x (right click) and you can remove the x but it won't let you pickaxe that square.
Red rooms weird spawning:
***End Spoilers***
so like, it just kind of... brown screens randomly? either if i click tab, or i said randomly
damn, I'll look into it for sure
Does it happen often? Maybe on a particular levels/challenges?
It happened thrice for me and just in the basement 3 level, so maybe the bug it's just linked to that one in particular
hopefully it's fixed now
well we cant be too sure, cuz it only happened like... 70% of my games, and only 60% of those times were in the beggining when i clicked into the game-
Please correct the triangulation of the Black Market. The treasure rooms and markets were making a perfect equilateral triangle and I wasted 7 hearts in the dead center of the space... to be revealed it was right beside the top end treasure room... which is the complete opposite of the rules and description.
I'll look into it, thank you!
I like this game, I just feel like the difficulty is a bit too hard
Plz explain this starter room
edit: i did realize the update of starter rooms so nvm
Even though it's updated it should still be to the right, so I think it's bugged, you're right. My bet is, seeing that there is no treasure room, this start room overrides it and now it's considered a special room. I'll look into it!! Ty and sorry
ok ty
fixed this bug
Mom, Mom, New update just dropped!!! I always thought not being able to hide the screen and see what rooms you missed sucked and felt like I was cheated, but this new update is awesome!! Keep up the good work!!
Glad you like it!!!
I actually wanna punch the screen when I play the lost challenge. Can't wait for more and this is the game I spent the most time ever on this site.
This is really fun, but I'm so abysmally horrible
I absolutely love this game, I play at least once a day. That being said, every once in awhile Ill have a level generate to where I cant see the edges of some rooms, and they always have the last secret room I need. I'm not sure if it is just a me thing, but other than that, I am in love lmfao!!!
Thank you! It means a lot!!!
Do you mean they are outside of the camera view? If so, you can use WASD to move the camear around, for now , full mouse support coming in the future
Sorry it wasn't made very clear :(
i like it
Very good game with lots of potential!