(Find Me a Secret Room) Update v0.9

Hello everyone, this is the update v0.9 change notes. It includes but not limited to:
Improved level generation (see notes below). New Shop Update! 5 new items. Multiple bug fixes and QOL changes.
This is probably the second to last large update I have planned. Thank you all for continuing to play the game, it means a lot!
Also I'm taking a break for now. So prob no updates till summer. Hope you all are staying safe.
Full changes:
Level generation:
-Improved level generation, you can expect early levels to be less “RNG dependent” and will smoothly transition to more RNG levels like before.
You will not notice the difference in game, cause the algorithm stays exactly the same (same as TBOI), but early levels will no longer have these “unwinnable” moments.
Shop Update:
-Shop prices now scale up as the game progresses.
-Changed prices for some items.
-1 new challenge: “Panic Buying”
-Restock (unlocked by completing a “Panic Buying” challenge)
-Maggy's Bow (unlocked by getting “Perfection” achievement)
-Pyromaniac (unlocked by getting “No Pickaxe” achievement)
-A Quarter
-Cursed Heart
Gameplay changes:
-Reduced player start maxHp by 1
-Mr. Mega and Car Battery now cost more and can’t appear in the treasure rooms.
-Spelunky Hat buffed: now marks 4 - 8 tiles. (from 2 - 4)
QOL changes:
-You can now use the HIV bag trinket (in some challenges) by clicking its icon.
(ty NecroPresent)
-Fixed a bug where secret room wrongly calculated its distance
-Fixed a bug where the start room would be sometimes considered a special room if it spawned on top of one.(ty Doomday201)
-Fixed a bug where sometimes challenges would not unlock.
-Fixed a bug where Deadsea Scrolls would activate multiple times during BossRush.
Get Find Me a Secret Room
Find Me a Secret Room
a roguelike puzzle game
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